
Ohhh so close

10 days. In 240 hours I will be well on my way to L.A. for what I know will be quite possibly the best 48 hour layover that one can have. All I know is that turtle racing has been discussed...more information (and photos) will be given when I have an idea of what's going on. In the meantime I have been enjoying this photo below. Hopefully I can grab a couple of shots of this magnitude?


Three weeks...

Three weeks from today I will be headed to LA, and then to Tokyo. I absolutely cannot wait to be in LA, then Tokyo, and eating some deliciously tasty Tokyo grub. As for now, I am working on reading this simple Tokyo subway map. No problem, right?

What are we getting ourselves into?


One Tokyo Please!

And so it begins. This will be the spot to find any and all updates on myself and Mr. Bye in Tokyo, Japan. I figure what a better time than exactly one month out from the date that the trip starts, June 3rd. Expect to see some shots of Los Angeles to start and end the trip, as I will be staying there for a few days surrounding our time in Tokyo. 31 days and counting....
